Clinic Rebate Form for ICP Instructed Clinics

If you are a member of the Area IV Adult Riders or Young Riders programs, you may be eligible for a clinic rebate.


  • Clinic must be taught by a USEA ICP instructor
  • Clinic must be listed on the Area IV website's "Clinics" page and Calendar
  • Clinic must take place in Area IV
  • Rider requesting a rebate must be a current Adult Rider or Young Rider member
  • Rider can only use this form 3 times total, for 3 different clinics

Use this Webform to request a rebate!!  


Note: Riders may use this rebate up to 3 times for 3 different clinics.  The Area IV council reserves the right to revise this policy at any time at the discretion of the Area Council, based on funds availability.