USEA Area IV Young Rider Coach Allison Springer brings her expertise to Stone Ridge Eventing in Miller, MO June 29-30th, 2019.
USEA Area IV Young Riders are excited to provide a unique educational event at Stone Ridge Eventing that incorporates unmounted lectures and mounted sessions with Allison Springer: Area IV Young Rider Coach, A Pony Club Graduate, Level IV USEA ICP Certified Instructor and Rolex Veteran. Clinic is open to all riders at all levels, with preference given to USEA Area IV Young Rider Members. Riders will be grouped according to experience level for this 2 day jumping clinic.
Unmounted Sessions:
Stud Choice and Usage
Beyond the Heights: Expectations at the Levels
Conditioning the Event Horse
Maintenance of the Event Horse
How to Walk your XC Course
XC Aftercare: Poultice, Ice & Wrapping
Mounted Sessions:
Galloping & Jumping Positions: Grid & Skills
Pace Education & Training Activities over XC fences
Clinic is open to all riders at all levels, with preference and reduced rates given to USEA Area IV Young Rider Members. Registration